Day 9: Routing and Fetching

Monday, June 18, 2018

Lecture Videos





  • React Router
    • <Router />
    • Links and NavLinks
    • Routes
    • history

Fetching Data

  • The Fetch API
  • Promises
  • Parsing the response




React Router provides a routing solution that allows us to change what UI we render based on the current URL. The router is a Higher Order Component that wraps a React app and allows us to navigate without additional requests and responses to and from the server.

Router Setup

Setting up React Router is easy. For web projects, install react-router-dom

user@localhost ~
yarn add react-router-dom  # install react router with yarn


user@localhost ~
npm install --save react-router-dom  # install react router with npm

Then, in your ReactDOM.render call, attach the Router as your base element, wrapping the root-level <App /> component. The whole app is now contained within the Router component, so we can take advantage of it anywhere.


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom'
import App from './App'

    <App />


The core of React Router is the <Route /> component. It allows you to specify what UI to render when a particular URL is matched. For instance, if we wanted to render a <Users /> component when we matched a /users URL, we could make the following Route:

<Route path='/users' component={Users} />

If you don’t want to render a whole component, a Route can alternatively accept a render prop, which accepts a function that returns JSX:

<Route path='/users' render={() => <h1>Users Path!</h1>} />

One important thing to keep in mind is that if we define a Route’s path as /users, that will match both /users and /users/123, because both begin with /users. If we want the Route to match only when the path is exactly /users, we can add the prop exact to our Route component.

<Route exact path='/users' component={Users} />

React Router also provides <Link /> and <NavLink /> components to make it easy to generate links to Routes. If we want to generate a Link that goes to /about, we can do the following:

<Link to='/about'>About</Link>

NavLinks are similar, but provide some additional functionality. The main difference is that they will add an activeClassName to the rendered link if the current URL matches the to property of the NavLink. This allows active links to be styled differently than inactive links.

<NavLink to='/'>Home</NavLink>    // rendered link tag will have '.active' class when URL is '/'


The history object is maintained and updated by the Router to keep track of where the user has navigated within the app. It is passed to every component contained within the Router as part of the component’s props. It has a variety of helpful properties and methods that provide information and navigation. Here are just a few:

history.length             // number of history entries
history.location           // provides the current location
history.push(path)         // navigates to a new path
history.go(n)              // navigates n steps through history stack
history.goBack()           // go back one step (history.go(-1))
history.goForward()        // go forward one step (history.go(1))
history.block(prompt)      // block navigation


The Fetch API provides a JavaScript interface for accessing and manipulating parts of the HTTP pipeline, such as requests and responses. It also provides a global fetch() method that provides an easy, logical way to fetch resources asynchronously across the network.

MDN - Using Fetch

If we need to get data from a remote server (or send some to one), there are several ways to do it. In vanilla JS, there is XMLHttpRequest, jQuery provides $.ajax, and there are a variety of other packages and libraries that provide their own version. Luckily, there is a new kid in vanilla JS town - the Fetch API.

fetch() is a globally available, easy to use way to asynchronously send and receive data. The simplest usage of fetch is to simply provide it with the URL of the request, and it will perform a GET request by default. The fetch() function returns a promise that resolves when the data is received. Once it is received, we can process and use the data with functions provided to the promise’s .then() callbacks.

fetch('')    // fetch users data from 'mywebsite' api
  .then(response => response.json())        // parse the response json into JavaScript object(s)
  .then(users => console.log(users))        // log the parsed users to the console
  .catch(error => console.warn(error))      // if any errors occur, log them to the console

Fetch does more than just fetch

If no second argument is provided to fetch(), it defaults to a standard GET request. However, the second argument can be a configuration object, allowing it to use different HTTP methods, set Headers, include Credentials, etc. To find out more, check out the docs


Now that Chatarang has routing, deployment gets a bit more complicated. Our app is a single-page application, so the server that our app is deployed to needs to always return index.html (the one page in our single-page app). However, if we type https://{yourdomainhere}/notes in the address bar, the server will try to find a file called notes.html to send back (which it won’t find, of course). So how do we get it to always respond with index.html and let our client-side router handle the routing?


Firebase does allow for the server to be configured to always return index.html, so that is the option we chose during class. To do so, we first need to install Firebase’s CLI tools.

user@localhost ~
npm install -g firebase-tools

Once the Firebase tools are installed, we can use them to login, initialize a firebase project, and deploy. (Note, make sure you have made a production build with npm run build before deploying).

user@localhost ~
firebase login
firebase init
firebase deploy

Firebase Init

firebase init will prompt you to answer a bunch of questions about how you want to configure the app you are deploying. For more information about how to answer those questions, check out the create-react-app README here.

If you receive this message…

Error: Cannot run login in non-interactive mode. See login:ci to generate a token for use in non-interactive environments.

…run this command instead:

firebase login --interactive




  • Move the list of rooms in state to Main, and be sure that the description updates appropriately when changing rooms.

API Party

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it (and you should), is to add some more routes to the API Party and fetch data from your favorite APIs. The API you choose is up to you, but be sure to get some data and try to display it in a visually-pleasing way.

In case you don’t have a favorite API, here are some suggestions: