Wrapping Up

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Lecture Videos




Resources for continued learning

Congratulations, you survived the bootcamp! You’re all experts in React now, right?

Just kidding. We’ve got a good handle on the basics of React and web development, but it’s important to keep pushing yourself to solidify the concepts you’ve learned and continue extending your skills. We’ve compiled a list of some resources to continue your journey towards becoming a competent web developer.

  • JavaScript 30 - this was part of the optional pre-work, but it was definitely on the difficult side. If you haven’t completed it already, you should definitely have the skills to complete it now.

  • You Don’t Know JS - Excellent, excellent, excellent. I highly recommend this series if you want to understand how JavaScript really works. There are six books in total, and they are free to read online or you can buy print copies. The books are very clear and concise, and cover such topics as Closures, Scoping, ‘this’ binding, Object prototypes, async, etc…

  • Understanding ES6 - I really enjoyed reading this free e-book. It’s well-written with good explanations, and helped solidify my understanding of how ES6 works, and how ES6 differs from previous versions of JavaScript.

  • CodeWars, HackerRank, Exercism - All are free resources for solving practice problems (and seeing other people’s solutions) in the language of your choice. Excellent for leveling up your skills.


(Free) React.js Bootcamp from Tyler McGinnis: React Bootcamp


Context API




